- Caps Block: Utility for prevent Caps Lock key from being enabled in Windows.
- fetchdep: A tool to help fetch sources for a project.
- GitLab Schedule Badge: Service to share GitLab scheduled job statuses with badges.
- nfsn-ddns: A dynamic DNS utility.
- pybadges2: Library and command-line tool for generating GitHub-style badges (fork).
- releng-tool: Utility to help manage multiple packages to assist in building a project.
- sphinx-alice-theme: Alice theme for Sphinx documentation.
- sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder: Atlassian® Confluence® Builder extension for Sphinx.
- tardiff2: Utility to compare differences in tar files.
- Custom Category Media Library - PS3 Media Server Plugin
- Custom Category Media Library - Universal Media Server Plugin
- phpbb-3.1-recaptcha
- Unofficial Teamspeak 3 Viewer (uTS3v) for BlackBerry® PlayBook™
- World Wind Java Project and RCP Plugins